The Story of

Delightfully Quilted


birth of an idea

In the dark, gray winter of Washington state, confronted with the feeling I was not using my gifts and passions to their fullest potential, an idea began to form.

An idea that could combine my lifelong passions for beauty and entrepreneurship, a love for 'traditional' skills (such as quilting), and my observations of frustrated customers in quilt shops unable to buy the display quilt.

An idea to create something new - a quilt brand, where a pattern could be available in sizes baby - king, where quilts sold could be remade and restocked, and where customers would enjoy a boutique shopping experience.

In the dark, gray winter of Washington state, Delightfully Quilted was conceived.


Spring/Summer - I begin evaluating the idea of starting a business

Fall - I attend the Northwest Quilt Expo in Portland, OR. This experience helps firm up my idea for a quilting business

November - my 4th child is born

December - Delightfully Quilted is registered as a business

Humble Beginnings

The business planning, early skill building work, and materials testing took place in one of the three bedrooms in our 960 square foot home. The three older kids shared a bedroom, and the baby stayed in our room.

Much work was done during "Quiet Time" when the kids would play in their room or watch an educational video.


Winter - I begin business planning

March - COVID-19 measures mean my husband starts working from home

Spring - I begin working through the Quilter's Academy books, and testing fabrics and batting

May - We make the decision to move to the East Coast

June - September - We prepare to move to Virginia

September - November - We travel cross-country and live with family in Pennsylvania. Business planning resumes

December - We move into our new house in Virginia. I get kicked awake from the inside, and realize I'm pregnant with our 5th child (!)

new home, new studio

When we searched for our new home, a dedicated studio space was a top criteria. The house we chose had a roughly 240 square foot room over the garage, which was long enough to fit the 12-foot frame for the new long-arm quilting machine purchased with proceeds from the sale of the house in Washington.


Winter/Spring - I complete the Quilter's Academy projects and begin testing fabrics and patterns to shape the final designs. I register the business in Virginia.

May - My 5th child is born

July - I begin working on building inventory

September - we make the decision to launch the business by the end of the year.

November - I complete the inventory of over 100 quilts

December - nearly 2 full years after being conceived, Delightfully Quilted opens for business.

Making 100 quilts

It wasn't about 'finding' time to work. It was about prioritization. About making time to work. And about support - Delightfully Quilted is rooted in team work, starting with my husband and eventually adding other quilters.

Who is Maria?

Meet the quilter and creator behind Delightfully Quilted.